The Ephemeral Collection was inspired by 2020 when the world stopped, and everything we took for granted started to disappear. Atelier Sisu endeavoured to communicate this feeling of transient beauty and the need to live in the moment.

Sydney-based design studio Atelier Sisu works within the intersection of art and architecture, creating large-scale site-specific works that enchant by reinventing spaces.

The Ephemeral Collection is made from a colour-reflecting dichroic film that reacts with light, causing an iridescent effect across the artwork’s surface. The artworks vary in size from 1 meter to a gigantic cluster of bubbles 16 metres and sit gently within their surroundings regardless of their scale.

This art-chitecture connects audiences with their environment and is designed to be truly inclusive. By emulating the ethereal quality and magic of bubbles, the Ephemeral Collection appeals to our universal playfulness and childlike wonder. The work encourages the audience to consider the world around them as a space of transience and fragility, like that of a bubble.

About the Artist

Atelier Sisu is an award winning Sydney based art practice led by Peruvian sculptor and industrial designer Renzo B. Larriviere and architectural designer and artist Zara Pasfield.

The pair work with a multi-disciplinary team to create experiential environments, installations and unique sculptural pieces. Their direction of work sits between the fields of art and architecture (art-chitecture), with particular focus in the realm of public art.