Monsters Love You… But Might Eat You is an exploration of the joyous and powerful spirit of human beings and is also a dive into the crevices of our lives where we hide our shadow aspects…the parts we don’t like. 

We call them our monster aspects. When we love even those we are free to be authentic and fulfilled. We watch excited children as they love and worship monsters and yet they hide the parts of themselves that they think are ugly or not good enough. After all we each have a purple horn or yellow fin that we hide from the world. Monsters asks us to stop hiding and celebrate what makes us different.

Originally created by Goldberg Aberline Studio, Monsters was lovingly designed, painted, and sewn in Sydney, Australia. The fabric is made from recycled PET bottles.

About the Artist

Maurice Goldberg and Matthew Aberline collaborated from 2018-2022 as Goldberg Aberline Studio (GAS), an artist team best known for their huge colourful inflatable installations that have been shown around Australia and overseas including New York, London and Copenhagen. They were passionate about causing positive change through art. They did so by utilising scale, play and interactivity and to tell important, multi-generational stories about sustainability, social inclusion and cultural diversity.

GAS was formed when architect, artist and a corporate leader Maurice Goldberg met feature film and live performance costume designer Matthew Aberline. Their unique combined skill set perfectly positioned them to combine traditional creative techniques like painting and sewing with digital processes, event design, digital projection and large scale architectural engineering. The result was a creative practice that is big, colourful and audacious while also celebrating organic forms and the idiosyncrasies of human handmade design.